Archive | April, 2010

Marketing Survey: The results are in!

21 Apr

We set out this year to focus on growing marketing contribution — in particular, create new learning opportunities and ways to contribute, develop roles, create tools to help you promote and a better means of recognition.  Our first step was to figure out the size of the community marketing team, what sort of marketing work people are interested in and how we can improve the experience via a short survey.

The findings are now in — thanks to all 541 of you who took the time to fill out the survey!  William Reynolds and I will be publishing a few posts on the survey findings (stay-tuned for his Student Reps-specific writeup this week), but wanted to share the high-level findings and takeaways.

Who took it?

• 541 responses
• 367 Student Reps
• 60 countries
• Mostly new contributors

Who are “new” contributors?

Marketing Contributors: Years of contribution

What is the team interested in doing?

Areas of interest

We then took a look at these areas of interest vs. length of time with the project.  Some insights were:

New contributors (<2 years):

• are less likely to constantly promote Mozilla (70% vs 90%)
• want to gain marketing experience more than experienced contributors (17% vs 8%)
• are slightly less  passionate about promoting the Mozilla Mission (25% vs 32%)
• are somewhat less likely to consider themselves supporters of FOSS (30% vs 34%)
Experienced contributors:
• are more interested in guerrilla marketing (8% vs 4%)
• are more interested in facilitating or mentoring for the marketing team (9% vs 6%)


• 13% promote Mozilla to non-technical people
• 46% didn’t know about bi-weekly calls
• 7% interest in promoting Drumbeat

So what does this mean?  We need to focus on:

• encouraging the CMT to promote Mozilla to non-technical people, and provide them with the tools to do it.  We’re getting a start here with the Firefox Education kit, but can do a lot more.  We also need to investigate involving more passionate Mozilla and Firefox supporters from non-technical backgrounds.
• educating the CMT more about the Mozilla Mission and Drumbeat, making both easy to grasp and promote.
• educating new contributors about different marketing techniques (such as guerrilla marketing).  We’ve always excelled with our creative, noteworthy ideas — Firefox Crop Circle, anyone?
• creating more awareness about the bi-weekly calls…and of course, improving the overall experience of them.

Cover up for cancer!

17 Apr

As some of you might already know I’ve embarked upon the ultra marathon journey. I’m scheduled to knock out over 30 miles (50K for the rest of the world) on August 1st. Said journey has already been riddled with potholes: a broken tailbone in January and now a case of bursitis in my right foot. So I find myself writing in bed today instead of running the trails.

I’ll bounce back! And, not just because I don’t like quitting, but because I’m running the ultra as part of Team-in-Training (TNT) to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. TNT is responsible for bringing my husband Craig and I together, and for helping see him through Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2002. The first time I laid eyes on him he was bald and undergoing treatment, but nonetheless out there running with my team! Guess I can manage running a few miles this weekend, right?!

Craig and me backpacking in Desolation Wilderness

To raise funds, we’re selling BooCoo Gear. What is this you might ask? If you surf, go to the beach, swim, run, bike or really do any athletic activity you’ve probably been in the position of having to change clothes either before or after workout and chances are *not* in a bathroom. It turns out it’s a real talent to hold a towel around you, change and not expose yourself to the world. BooCoo Gear is a terry cloth changing skirt with slits to allow you to do this and keep your modesty in tact. You can help out — fundraise + spare the world from seeing your tush — by purchasing one (enter “TNT” in the purchase notes) and telling your friends about it.

If you’d like to help out further or don’t have a need for a BooCoo, you can also make a donation directly to my fundraising page.

The BooCoo

Thanks so much for your support!